HomeWeekend Followup

Keep the Conversation Going


Weekend Follow Up

Sunday gatherings aren’t designed to end when we walk out the doors. Instead, they begin the week’s conversation. We’ve found people get a lot more out of the weekly messages when we take time to discuss them with others. Here are four steps to going further into each Sunday’s teaching.

Tips for a Great Discussion

  1. Be Real. Faith is too important not to be real about who you are, how you are, and what you think.
  2. Be Receptive. Be open to the new things God wants to show you, even if they differ from what you’re used to. Growth always involves change.
  3. Be Relational. Be curious about one another’s perspectives and considerate of how you speak and listen. 
  4. Be Reliant. We’re here to learn and grow together, which means we can rely on God to do the work that only he can do.
Headshot of Britton Gregory

Let us help!

If you’re wondering where to start or have questions, our team is here for you.

Britton Gregory

Connections Director