![]() Sunday, December 8, 2024 |
The Peace of Jesus Colossians 3:15 If you were to ask me when I feel peace in my life, I would talk to you about evenings when my three kids don’t have three different activities they need to be taken to. Or when my puppy lies at my feet while I work instead of sneaking off on a seek-and-destroy mission. Or about times when I make a plan, and everything happens exactly as I expect. When I use these measuring sticks, however, I hardly ever experience peace because I’ve made peace about myself, my feelings, and my circumstances. Colossians 3:15 begins, “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.” The peace that comes from Christ. Not the peace that comes from a chill puppy or a clear calendar. This isn’t the flimsy kind of peace that depends on circumstances. Rather, this peace is always available – not from something I did, but because of who Jesus is. But our participation matters. Notice the verse says, “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.” Let the peace in, meaning we get a choice. Yet so often, I choose the opposite. That sounds a little silly when I write it down – why would I not choose the peace of Jesus? Recently, I was in conflict with someone who had (unintentionally) hurt me. I clung to my anger with this person. Whenever I knew I was going to be around them, I lay awake at night and stressed about spending time together. I often left our times together with more anger and hurt feelings. Until one day, I realized I didn’t have to hold onto those feelings like they were a prize. Yes, I might frequently experience hurt or anger around them; some relationships are complicated like that. But I didn’t have to cuddle those feelings close. I could feel them and then express my feelings and frustrations to God. In doing so, I could make room for the peace of Christ. Not because the situation had changed but because the peace of belonging to him is more significant than any circumstance I find myself in. By Stephanie Morrill PRAYER FOR TODAY God, thank you that the peace you offer us is so much greater than the peace we create on our own. Help us to let go of the stress, anxiety, and fear that we often clutch close; instead, let us invite your peace to rule in our hearts. |
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