![]() Tuesday, December 10, 2024 |
Peace for the Lowly Luke 1:46-55 When the teacher called me up, I walked to the front of my 8th grade drama class. I adjusted the blanket draped over my head and smoothed the front of my bathrobe. Then, I launched into my monologue. I pretended to be shocked and amazed at a sudden visit from an angel. I pondered aloud to my audience what this might mean. Then I quoted as much of Luke 1:46-55 as I could remember, breaking character halfway through when the blanket slipped off my head, and I had to put it back on. Thus ended my first and only public performance as Mary, mother of Jesus. I don’t remember the specifics of the monologue assignment, but I do remember that we could choose what character we wanted to be. I chose Mary with purpose. At the time, I was about the same age as she likely was when Gabriel appeared to her, and I was moved by her song recorded in Luke 1. Though she was a poor young woman, her world was rocked by an outrageous and challenging prophecy. Her response to the angel’s message was filled with her knowledge of and love for God. Her words touched me so much (they still do) that I wanted others to experience her trust in God and peace in his plan. Mary’s song focuses on praising God in the present for what he has done in the past. She starts with herself, saying, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name” (v. 46-49). Then Mary looks back at Israel’s history, how God helped the humble and hungry instead of the proud and rich. Mary is at peace and full of praise despite the earth-shattering news she has just received about how she will carry, give birth to, and raise the Messiah. We who follow Jesus have access to that same peace, even in our most profound need. He has been faithful in the past, and he will be faithful in the future. By Allison Antrim PRAYER FOR TODAY Dear Lord, thank you for Mary and her love for you. Thank you for how her song reminds us to remember the ways you have provided for us in the past, especially when we’ve been poor and needy, so that we can have peace in the present. Let this echo of peace and praise follow us this Advent season as we celebrate your arrival. |
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