[August 6, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY We Help People Find God By Brooke Hodnefield We are not the kind of church that’s got its stuff together.  We are a jacked-up group of people. Is that a polished and churchy statement? No. Is it honest, and does it encompass all that Heartland...

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[July 30, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Hearing God When He’s Silent By Lisa Zulke Overestimated my importance. Check. Underestimated God’s power. Check. Misunderstood God’s project. And, check. I’ve been caught in each of these traps. Most more than once. I like an excellent flashing neon sign. A clear signal. Even just...

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[July 23, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Finding God When He’s Absent By Shelly Huston While I’m not a mountain climber, I’ve reached a few apex moments throughout my walk of faith. In those seasons where I’ve experienced significant breakthroughs, natural and supernatural things seem to align perfectly. It’s exhilarating and humbling...

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[July 16, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY How to Follow God When You’re Afraid By Lisa Zulke This week I’ve been immersed in the story of Miriam and Moses and the exodus from Egypt. Throughout their story, we see both fear and bravery, doubt and confidence. As enslaved people, they longed for...

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[July 9, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Fighting Fair By Meghan Hemenway I’m an only child. In other words, I had to grow up without the relationship training ground that having siblings provides. As a parent of siblings now, I understand how frustrating it can be for parents to listen to the...

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[July 2, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Discipline and Love By Lisa Zulke Reflecting on the various coaching/instructional styles we heard today, I recognize my responsiveness to authoritative leaders/coaches/parents. The ability to speak with authority, teach how to process the world, and allow the freedom to explore and possibly fail is an...

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[June 25, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Pride and Humility By Allison Antrim Pride’s roots go deep in the human heart. Even the most humble person in the world can’t be 100% free of it. A popular understanding of Satan’s temptation of Eve in the Garden of Eden is that pride is...

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[June 18, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Guarding Your Heart By Chris Woodward Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there! Raising kids is a great responsibility that requires us to set an example and sometimes sacrifice our time and youth. In today’s teaching, we were reminded to guard our hearts....

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[June 11, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Building Wealth Wisely By Bill McMurtrey When you think about the best, most enjoyable times of your life, was it during financial hardship? Do you look back with joy at times you didn’t know how you would be able to pay the mortgage or make...

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[June 4, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Wisdom’s Starting Line By Lisa Zulke I love starting lines. Absolutely anything is possible at the start line. In a race, I could run a personal best time. On the first day on the job, I could enter the first day of my new career....

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