{October 16, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY The Joy of Repentance By Meghan Hemenway This week a friend of mine reached out to send some pictures of the mountain we climbed two summers ago. She was actually a friend of a friend, but we quickly bonded over the hours and hours hiking...

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{October 9, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY I’ve Got A Friend You Might Enjoy By Chris Woodward When I look back at the woman at the well, I imagine she was in the presence of others, but still lonely. Jesus reaches out to her in a moment, and she is open to...

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{October 2, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Praying for Others By Allison Antrim Experiences I had last week have shown me that prayer is indeed a vital part of living a joyful Christian life. At the Women of the Word gathering, when it was time to share prayer requests, I opened up...

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{September 25, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Giving Our First And Best By Bill McMurtrey When you think of the phrase "giving it to God," what do you think of?  Are you giving your troubles, worries and concerns to him? Tears and fears? Or, do are you giving him your first and...

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{September 18, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Being Last By Molly Fisher Last week Dan asked us to consider if we’ve ever given something up for something better. This week Brad talked about the joy offered us by giving of our time and serving others – a little like giving up something...

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{September 11, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Find Your Joy By Lisa Zulke Some things that bring me joy: Paddle boarding at Saguaro lake through the canyons Hiking in the forest on a mountain in Colorado Sitting beside an alpine lake, with no sound of civilization Helping someone discover who God created...

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{September 4, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY The Family of Jesus By Lisa Zulke Descriptions of me in elementary school: Very imaginative! Favorite questions are how and why. Can explain how things work to classmates. Also me: Talks too much in class. Asks too many questions. Asks questions at the wrong time....

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{August 28, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Asking for a Friend: Back To Back By Meghan Hemenway Twelve years ago, two face to face friends and I started on a journey to becoming back to back friends. This wasn’t a deliberate process; not something we sat down and discussed, but at some...

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{August 21, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Asking for a Friend: Side By Side By Chris Woodward Today started with a fun walk down memory lane on friends in television shows. Sometimes we learn how to be friends with others by watching friendships played out, talking about the shows around the water cooler,...

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{August 14, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Asking for a Friend: Face To Face By Shelly Huston As a youth, I remember planting our ½ acre garden every year. We purchased bags and bags of pink corn, making rows, planting rows, covering them with dirt, watering, and my least favorite task, hoeing....

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