{March 20, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY All Access: Power for Insignificant People By Shelly Huston Bartimaeus sat by the road begging… He was completely dependent on the compassion of others. Counting on those around him to recognize what he was going through, and then take practical action to help. Have you...

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{March 13, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY All Access: Obedience & Security By Bill McMurtrey Have you ever felt things just weren’t going your way? That no matter which door you opened, or corner you turned, you didn’t find yourself going where you wanted to go? Maybe you felt lost. Not necessarily in life overall,...

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{March 6, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY All Access: Surface Tension (Walking On Water) By Molly Fisher I am one of those people who over-think pretty much everything. I really like to be sure, and prefer to be right, before doing just about anything. I could stand to learn a little bit...

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{February 27, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY All Access: Invited By Sarah Hahs I don’t know about you and your childhood, but growing up I was awkward. And what made it worse was I have bright red hair, which means that it was impossible to sink into the background. I was awkward, and...

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{February 20, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY All Access: Rest By Christopher Woodward As I get older and older, rest is one of the most important things that I can do for myself and my family. As time marches on I find myself moving toward the thought that a balanced life and...

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{February 13, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY All Access: Like A Child By Meghan Hemenway As a country we value independence. We value freedom. We write songs about it, we have national symbols of it, and we have a holiday all about celebrating it. We value our ability to make our own...

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{February 6, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY All Access: Come and See By Lisa Zulke Do you believe a place, a community, can be felt? Can be woven into the fabric of who we are and how we understand ourselves? And in that weaving, can help us make sense of who we...

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{January 30, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Faith: Full Circle By Allison Antrim “Doubt isn’t the enemy of faith.” I have been a Christian for 28 years and I’ll be honest in saying that I’ve often thought doubt IS the enemy of faith. I’ve thought that I can’t allow any questions to...

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{January 23, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Never Say Never By Lisa Zulke Twenty year old Lisa had a lot of nevers in her. She carried them in a tote bag, always handy for tossing out in conversation. She had a handful of people in her life that wanted her to know...

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{January 16, 2022}

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY What Do We Do With Doubt? By Chris Woodward Doubt in my life has come even when I prayed daily, more than daily, with large tears, through scripture, with others…and still the prayer was not answered. I had come to Kansas City in 2001 to...

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