February 16, 2025
Andrew: The Connector
By Ryan Heckman
What is the sum of my life? I can be fairly introspective, and sometimes I find myself wondering if it will mean anything. I’ve built some cool things that people see and use. I’ve seen some far-off places and had some adventures. I’ve wasted plenty of time watching movies and YouTube. I’ve hung out with friends and had some meaningful conversations. In the digital age it’s easy to look at others’ accomplishments and wonder what you’ve been doing with your life.
I’m the kind of person who frequently observes life rather than participates. Retreating into my mind, waiting to act, and not the center of attention. It certainly feels ordinary. Those times when I look at my life that way also seem to be when I’m focused inward. (Look how many times the word I or my was used above.)
From what little we see of Andrew in the gospels, we know he was looking for the Messiah. And when he found him, Andrew followed him—an ordinary fisherman who chose to follow Jesus. God invited him to be a part of his work in the world. Andrew said yes and then invited his brother Peter, the guy God would use to build his church. (John 1:35-42)
We are right to question the meaning of our lives, especially in the limited worldly view of success. But concluding that we are ordinary isn’t a bad thing. It is God who gives us value and invites us into his purpose. When we follow him, we may never see all the far-reaching ripples of impact he can make in our ordinary lives.
Is there room in your life to listen for how Jesus wants to invite you into his purpose? Even in ordinary, everyday ways.
What can you do to recognize when you are caught up in trying to make your life extraordinary and redirect yourself toward God?
Is there a nudge from God that you’ve been sitting on? Even a small one?
[Monday, February 17]
Acts 4:1-18
As you read the passage, take note of anything that identifies this as a somewhat ordinary interaction. Now reread it and look for moments when Jesus’ influence makes the exchange extraordinary. Have you ever had an ordinary moment amplified by the influence of Jesus or your faith in him? Consider sharing this experience with someone you trust to confer, celebrate, or encourage one another.
[Tuesday, February18]
Matthew 4:18-20
Here are two ordinary young men going about a very ordinary task at work…one interaction with Jesus, and they drop their nets and follow him. As you reflect on this interaction, what do you notice? What questions do you have? Have you ever dropped everything and followed anyone? What do you think Andrew and Peter sensed about Jesus at the time? When you chose to follow Jesus, what did you have to set down or leave behind? Who did you take with you? Or, who brought you along with them?
[Wednesday, February 19]
John 1:35-42
In this passage, Andrew invites his brother Peter along and claims Jesus as the Messiah. Peter and Andrew go with Jesus and become his first followers. Who in your faith heritage was the “first follower” of Jesus? Who introduced you to him? Who might follow in your faith footsteps?
[Thursday, February 20]
John 6:1-15
Read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. Take time to notice the details. Andrew again fills an ordinary role, sharing with Jesus what little food is available nearby. As he shares the items with Jesus, the miracle occurs, and the food multiplies until it feeds the entire gathering. What must that have been like?! Can you imagine?! What do you need right now that requires Jesus’ intervention? What might you already have on hand that he could utilize or multiply?
[Friday, February 21]
John 12:20-22
We get one more brief mention of Andrew in this passage. Philip meets some travelers who want to meet Jesus. He brings them to Andrew, who we now know is the great “introducer” of people. Andrew and Philip go together and bring the travelers to Jesus. Today, consider who you would go to with questions about Jesus or following him in faith. Who would come to you with their faith questions? How might you become known as a follower of Jesus or an introducer to your friends?
{extra journey resources}
CLICK HERE to visit The Bible Project site and explore their super simple, super informative Bible videos (and other resources). You can also download The Bible Project App HERE.
CLICK HERE to get the Read Scripture App, from our friends at The Bible Project.
CLICK HERE for more on how to use the observe-reflect-apply approach to getting the most out of your Bible reading.
The Bible App Get the free YouVersion Bible for your phone, tablet, or computer. Experience the Bible anywhere, with options to highlight, save notes, and share what you are reading with others.
The Bible App For Kids YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level. The Bible App for Kids is a free app for Android, Apple, and Kindle devices, available in over 60 languages.
Bible Gateway Provides advanced Bible searching capabilities, which allow readers to find passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.
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