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Home - The Journey Series - [December 12, 2024]

[December 12, 2024]


A collective reflection on Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Peace on Earth
Luke 2:1-7
  As we enter the Advent season, we often hear the phrase “Peace on Earth,” yet many of us find this time anything but peaceful. The hustle and bustle of holiday preparations, coupled with the demands of daily life, can leave us feeling overwhelmed. It’s almost ironic that, in a time meant to celebrate tranquility and joy, many of us feel busier than ever.
Reflecting on Luke 2:1-7, we are reminded of Mary’s journey – a journey that was far from serene. Imagine the uncertainty she faced: an unexpected pregnancy, societal judgment, and a daunting journey mandated by political decree. Her journey was anything but peaceful, much like our own lives can be during this season. Yet, within the narrative of Luke, amidst the chaos of travel and no place to sleep, there is a profound moment of peace – the birth of Jesus.
This stark contrast invites us to consider peace not as the absence of trouble but as something deeper. It suggests that peace can be found in the most unexpected places and moments, often when we pause to recognize it amidst life’s chaos. Reread Luke 2:1-5 and then 2:6-7; there is a subtle shift from the tense and busy to a moment of stillness and awe. It’s as if the world holds its breath to welcome the Prince of Peace.
So, where are you this Christmas season? Are you at peace? It’s okay if your answer is no. Acknowledging our lack of peace can be the first step toward finding it. Scripture reminds us that peace is not passive but active. In the midst of our busiest moments, we can choose to seek peace, much like Mary did in her own journey.
Let us take inspiration from this Advent story, understanding that Jesus embodies peace as an active pursuit. May we find moments to pause, reflect, and embrace the peace that is offered to us, even when it feels elusive. This season, may we make peace a verb, an ongoing pursuit, allowing it to transform our hearts and lives.

By DJ Toelle


God, I am bad at peace, yet you are the Prince of Peace. Every encounter with you teaches me more. Help me seek you, find you, and rest in you. For in you, I find the pieces of myself you long for me to find. In the midst of business, I pray for peace, for our world, for our nation, for our city, for my family, and for myself.
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