![]() Wednesday, December 25, 2024 |
The God Who Chose to Walk with Us John 3:16 (TPT) “For here is the way God loved the world – He gave His only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life.” God proved He loved the world by giving his Son. Once in a while, I read or hear something that really sticks with me. A few years ago, I read a devotional that now comes to mind every Christmas season: that even though there was no room at the inn, God came anyway. God’s coming was not dependent on anyone being ready; clearly, few were. The inn was where Mary and Joseph hoped to be, but there was no room. God came anyway! Even when circumstances did not seem ideal, God became one of us – human – and walked the earth with us. “…they will call Him Immanuel, which means God with us” (Matthew 1:23). If your life, heart, and mind represent the inn, is there room for Jesus? How exhausted are you today after all the busyness of preparing for Christmas? Is there a space for Jesus to enter? Can we find our way back to the stable in the dark and enter into the humility, simplicity, and wonder of how God came to us? Can we allow ourselves to discover where God is? Because God came anyway, today – Christmas – and always, he can be born into our lives moment by moment, breath by breath. He came, he is here, and we can find him when we seek him. This day, Christmas Day is because God loves us – because God loves you! It takes stepping out of the busyness and chaos and into the quiet to find Him, but he is there! All that is required of us is to seek God, his love, his peace, his strength. Cast your fears and anxiety on Jesus, and quit carrying them around. Christmas reminds us just how far Jesus will go to meet us where we are. By Molly Fisher PRAYER FOR TODAY God, thank you for loving us so much that you sent your Son. Jesus, thank you for coming! May this day be a reminder of the intensity of your love for me. Help me make time to find you in the simplicity of the stable, away from all the trappings of things that are less important but end up being more consuming. Thank you that this day is a reminder that you are Immanuel – God with us. Amen. DOWNLOAD ECHOES OF HOPE PDF BOOKLET |
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