A Special Promise
by Lisa Zulke
Can you relate to the story of Simeon shared this weekend? Have you ever peered into another’s eyes, or looked out across the yard, or gazed into the horizon beyond and realized something you never imagined was near?
I’m in a season of change right now. Some of the changes were planned, and some were surprises. Some I chose to create, and others arrived unbidden, forcing me to navigate them. Both are fresh beginnings in their own way. And both bring hardship, as change is never easy, and often not smooth. I stumble-trip a lot through change. Embracing fresh starts comes naturally to my planner/builder/gatherer side. Navigating them well is another story.
I love the challenge of the prayer, “God, show me what you are up to.” I’ve been praying a similar prayer for the past few weeks. Mostly, it has sounded like a complaint. “But why, God? Why this? Why now? Why this way? Would you consider changing your mind? If you’re interested, I have some ideas on how I would navigate this stuff. Where are we going with this, God?” I can almost hear God chuckling as he patiently waits for me to notice the posture of that prayer.
Today I have spent some time shifting my focus. “God, show me what you are up to.” And I have to say right smack in the middle of uttering this prayer, God sent a fresh view of what he is up to in me and around me. An incredibly extravagant peek into threads of his plan, woven across the eras of my life, that lead me to be right where I am today. I confess I am utterly overwhelmed with his graciousness today. With the hope it points me toward, and the tears it allows me to cry freely. The connectedness of many of our stories, and the through line that connects my story to a greater good. God, help me see. Would you join me in this prayer? Imagine what he might show us together, a community following him.
[Monday, December 30]
Isaiah 43:18-19
Do you find yourself ready for God to do something new? Do you trust that he is already on the move to bring the new into being? Can you see it, sense it? Take some time right now to confide in God the new thing you are ready for him to work out in your life. What is one thing you can do today to practice trust in God’s work in your life?
[Tuesday, December 31]
Ephesians 4:21-24
As you consider what your life is like following Jesus, what things can you identify that you are ready to let go of? Where can you invite God to renew your thoughts, your heart, and your actions? As a step of faith, share with a trusted friend where you are inviting God to renew you. As you share, consider praying for one another this month as you engage God in the renewal process.
[Wednesday, January 1]
Jeremiah 29:10-14
God reiterates his promise to the Israelites in this passage, but he doesn’t sugarcoat what is ahead. It will be hard, and will last a long time. When we know someone is returning for us, and has promised their presence with us, enduring hardship becomes achievable. As God reiterates his promises for his people here, what can you and I take as a hope for our lives today? What can you and I do to “be found by [God]”?
[Thursday, January 2]
Psalm 100:4
As we move into 2025, consider making a list of anything you can thank God for from the past year. As you make your list, pray these thanks back to God.
[Friday, January 3]
Lamentations 3:22-24
Take these verses and save them in your phone as an alert, or write them on a slip of paper. Pray them back to God throughout the weekend, and notice what shifts in your posture.
{extra journey resources}
CLICK HERE to visit The Bible Project site and explore their super simple, super informative Bible videos (and other resources). You can also download The Bible Project App HERE.
CLICK HERE to get the Read Scripture App, from our friends at The Bible Project.
CLICK HERE for more on how to use the observe-reflect-apply approach to getting the most out of your Bible reading.
The Bible App Get the free YouVersion Bible for your phone, tablet, or computer. Experience the Bible anywhere, with options to highlight, save notes, and share what you are reading with others.
The Bible App For Kids YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level. The Bible App for Kids is a free app for Android, Apple, and Kindle devices, available in over 60 languages.
Bible Gateway Provides advanced Bible searching capabilities, which allow readers to find passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.
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