January 5, 2025
Washed White As Snow
by Dan Jacobsen
Do you have a favorite snow day? Mine forever will be the year it snowed so much in one day that the pile at the end of our deck stretched upwards three more feet, walling in our driveway. It also helped that I was only four!
There aren’t a lot of snow days in Scripture. In fact, this morning, I shared the only one I’m familiar with – Benaiah’s victory over the lion in a pit on a snowy day. In it, Benaiah foreshadows Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who pursued our greatest enemy, even into the pit of death, and emerged to new life victorious. Despite scant references to snow days, a fresh snowfall is a stock image throughout the bible to illustrate what God does with our sins. Isaiah called it washing us white as snow.
There’s a washing effect that we can see in snow storms. As everything gets blanketed in white, it’s like a new beginning for the outdoors. And that’s what we remember today: that Jesus gives us new beginnings. It’s appropriate at the beginning of a new year that we remember what makes us new isn’t a date or a resolution but the grace of Jesus.
This week, we’ll reflect on this theme of how Jesus indeed changes our lives, as imperfect as we are, into his perfect life. We can become what the outside world is showing us we are… made new as God’s mercy covers our sins.
Prayer: God, thank you for the picture outside of your love for me. Help me see your cleansing work in my life this week. Show me the areas where you’re at work, making me new and more like Jesus. Amen.
You can watch the January 5 message HERE.
[Monday, January 6]
Isaiah 1:18
Despite the endless list of atrocities the nation of Israel committed against the Lord, he promises that sin can be removed and restoration can be received. Nothing we do can bring this about; it’s God’s act on our behalf for those who trust in him. Have you received restoration from God by believing in Jesus? Today isn’t too late! God says, “Come now, let us settle the matter.”
[Tuesday, January 7]
Psalm 148
All of creation is at work praising God. Beginning with the angelic hosts, then moving the skies into nature, down to the created beings and ending with humanity, the call to praise God reaches everywhere. Even the snow, clouds, and stormy winds demonstrate his power! How do you see God’s expansive reach when you look around the world?
[Wednesday, January 8]
Psalm 51
David was a mature man when he sinned, so he should have known better. But in his eventual repentance, he models mature contrition and faith in God’s ability to forgive. First, he admits to God his failure and asks for his mercy, fully believing God will forgive. Second, he asks God to do the work of cleansing him. Forgiveness is love that is willing to absorb the cost of the offense, and David knew God would have to pay the price for his sin. Thank God, we know he’s willing because he sent his Son for this very reason! How do you handle your sin? Do you try to make it right alone, or do you ask God for mercy?
[Thursday, January 9]
Matthew 28:1-10
Matthew describes the heavenly messenger’s appearance as “white as snow.” The angel’s appearance frightened the guards, not because they recognized him as an angel but because of his purity. While Jesus doesn’t make us angels, he does make us pure when we trust in his resurrection power! What does it tell you that all of creation is present within the biblical narrative of Jesus’s resurrection?
[Friday, January 10]
Revelation 1: 9-18, Daniel 7:9
The apostle John sees a vision of Jesus in the future, which fits perfectly with what the prophet Daniel saw centuries earlier. Not only is Jesus the ruler over everything, but he holds in his hands the keys to death itself. How does it encourage your heart to know that Jesus has the power to lead us out of darkness and into light, out of death and into life? What fear can you hand over to him today?
{extra journey resources}
CLICK HERE to visit The Bible Project site and explore their super simple, super informative Bible videos (and other resources). You can also download The Bible Project App HERE.
CLICK HERE to get the Read Scripture App, from our friends at The Bible Project.
CLICK HERE for more on how to use the observe-reflect-apply approach to getting the most out of your Bible reading.
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The Bible App For Kids YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level. The Bible App for Kids is a free app for Android, Apple, and Kindle devices, available in over 60 languages.
Bible Gateway Provides advanced Bible searching capabilities, which allow readers to find passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.
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