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Parables and Preaching


February 9, 2025

Parables and Preaching

By Molly Fisher

It’s just a game, and my life will be the same on Monday, regardless of the outcome. Ok, maybe I’ll be just a little happier if the Chiefs win, and how fun for KC if they do, but no huge life impact. There is a chance the Chiefs will do what no other team has done before, 3-peat. So it’s a big deal; it’s the Super Bowl, but it’s just a game.

Still, it’s fascinating, and millions of people really will be paying attention. Not much else gets this kind of coverage or creates this passion. Many will be watching the best of the best play a game to determine the World Champions, and lots of analysis will go into how they got here and what they do during the game. Later today, we will know the outcome of all the preparation, training, practice, and planning.

Jesus taught in parables, so it’s great to take advantage of something that captures the attention of so many, to compare a game, this game, to our life, and more importantly, a life with Jesus. How fun was this morning? I loved that our teachers used the Chiefs being in the Super Bowl and aspects of the game to make comparisons to being a follower of Jesus and being on his team. Ideas like visualization, time and time-outs, getting in the game, and calling an audible are all great ways to talk about living a Jesus first life.

Shibu reminded us that what captures our vision and attention directs the path of our lives. If you follow Jesus, keep your eyes fixed on him, the author and perfecter of our faith. Kristin reminded us of the value of time, to be careful how we live, and to make the most of every opportunity. Sometimes though, the wisest thing we can do is to take a time-out, to huddle up with our coach, Jesus, and get the right next play. Brad encouraged us to take a chance, get off the sidelines, be strong and courageous, and get in the game: serve, lead, give, help, pray, invite, and love. Dan talked about the magic of the audible, of listening for God to direct our path, to take us through or around challenges in our path. 

The Super Bowl is just a game, and in this game most of us are just spectators. We are FULL participants in the “game” of life. As a follower of Jesus, we have the GOAT as our coach AND our QB, someone with a vision of the whole field of play, who has a winning strategy and has our best in mind. Plus, we have a fantastic team, the church, where we are all needed because no one player can do it all – we aren’t alone in whatever we are facing. Our God casts a vision and has a plan for a future and hope. He leads us through our challenges, calling an audible as needed. He knows our strengths, but he is the strength in our weaknesses. We know who wins this “game,” and all he asks of us is to follow him and love others.

Do you turn to Jesus to keep your eyes on the coach, who knows the next best play? Do you need a time-out to discover what God has planned? Are you listening for an audible from God to follow his plan? Are you on the field or still on the sidelines?

Jesus taught with parables, stories, that made the Kingdom of God understandable. Each day this week, we will learn from a few of them.

[Monday, February 10: The Sower]

Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

The Kingdom of Heaven is like the ground where the seeds are sown. The seed, or the message, is the same, but not where it lands or how it can grow. Do the seeds even have a chance before they are snatched away; do they grow for a bit but have no roots to sustain them; do the weeds of worry or deceit choke them out, or do they land on soil that is tilled and ready, watered and cared for? How are you creating healthy soil in your life? How are your roots of faith growing?

[Tuesday, February11: A Mustard Seed]

Matthew 13:31-32, 17:20

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Mustard Seed, the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it becomes like a tree. In Matthew 17:20, Jesus says that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Everything starts small, and healthy living things grow. Jesus always meets us where we are, at our starting place. We can provide the conditions for growth. How could you apply the story of the mustard seed in your life this week?

[Wednesday, February 12: Good Samaritan]

Luke 10:27-37

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.” Who is your neighbor, though? To whom do you show mercy? It may not be Samaritans in our time, but there are many dividing lines. Can you extend mercy and grace to those outside your social or political circles?

[Thursday, February 13: Lost Sheep]

Luke 15:3-7

Jesus lived a life that showed that the lost and least mattered. Like a good shepherd, he will leave the 99 safe sheep to find the 1 lost – ALL matter, but all of heaven will rejoice when one sinner repents. The song we sing often at HCC, “Reckless Love,” by Cory Asbury, came to mind as I read this parable. The sheep know the Shepherd’s voice – listen for that still quiet voice in your life. How can you tune your ears to better hear from Jesus?

[Friday, February 14: The Persistent Widow]

Luke 18:1-8

Jesus told the story of a widow who would not give up to show the power of persistence in prayer. If you have an issue, a concern, or a person on your heart, bring it/them to God in prayer, again and again and again. There is power in persistence! What persistent prayers are you praying? Is there someone you could invite to join you in that persistent prayer?

{extra journey resources}

CLICK HERE to visit The Bible Project site and explore their super simple, super informative Bible videos (and other resources). You can also download The Bible Project App HERE.

CLICK HERE to get the Read Scripture App, from our friends at The Bible Project.

CLICK HERE for more on how to use the observe-reflect-apply approach to getting the most out of your Bible reading.

The Bible App Get the free YouVersion Bible for your phone, tablet, or computer. Experience the Bible anywhere, with options to highlight, save notes, and share what you are reading with others.

The Bible App For Kids YouVersion partnered with OneHope to develop the Bible App for Kids, designing it specifically to engage children with Bible stories on an age-appropriate level. The Bible App for Kids is a free app for Android, Apple, and Kindle devices, available in over 60 languages.

Bible Gateway Provides advanced Bible searching capabilities, which allow readers to find passages in scripture based on keywords, phrases, or scripture reference.

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