[October 8, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Is God Working? By Chris Woodward When I was young, I remember thinking my father could do anything, fix anything, like MacGyver, two toothpicks, and a roll of tape. He could put the shower back together. As with all things, doubt would creep in eventually....

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[October 1, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Is God Loving? By Shelly Huston “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” Mark 10:21 At pivotal moments in our lives, when we’ve done phenomenal things, like a proud father, God looks at us and loves us. For some, it’s victories in academia, sports, ministry,...

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[September 24, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Is God Listening? By Lisa Zulke "Your God is always in the hot tub, waiting to listen to anything you will bring him." -AJ Swoboda This is a compelling image from Sunday. It helps me remember that God is ready and accessible 24/7. He is...

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[September 17, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Is God Just? By Allison Antrim My husband and I have close friends who are atheists. If we hang out with them for long enough, at some point, conversation inevitably turns to our belief in God. One of them often brings up examples of injustice...

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[September 10, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Is God Real? By Lisa Zulke Bring your doubts, questions, disappointments, and skepticism about God. Really? But, you’ll judge me. You’ll ignore me. Or worse, you’ll answer me but live a life that doesn’t align with your answers. I wholeheartedly declare, "Yes, really!" They are...

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[September 3, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Live a life that tells a story By Laura Gulley Being a preschool pastor and a small group leader in MVMT, I have the excellent opportunity to be surrounded by the next generation and constantly learn from them. It’s incredible what preschoolers can teach us....

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[August 27, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Helping People Make Jesus First By Lisa Zulke This past week, I had the opportunity to participate as a member of the Kansas City Hood To Coast relay team with Team World Vision. It was an incredible experience and a microcosm of the Jesus first...

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[August 20, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY Helping People Make a Difference By Chris Woodward As an addiction professional, in the work that I do, I have so many opportunities to meet people where they are, hear their stories, and inject my thoughts, feelings, and experiences into their situations. Hopefully, each day...

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[August 13, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY We Help People Find Their People By Allison Antrim There’s a meme online that takes a classical painting of Jesus and the disciples, then overlays it with the words, “No one talks about Jesus’s miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s.” In our...

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[August 6, 2023]

Heartland Community Church THE JOURNEY We Help People Find God By Brooke Hodnefield We are not the kind of church that’s got its stuff together.  We are a jacked-up group of people. Is that a polished and churchy statement? No. Is it honest, and does it encompass all that Heartland...

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